Fireplace remodel

Trying to replace a rectangle firebox with an arched one. App doesn’t seem to like that. Any ideas on how to accomplish?

I would try the replace tool.
If you give post your image we can give it a try!

I think I got it pretty much the way I want it but would like to now show the fireplace in the entire room so I can see the whole thing.

Below is the original photo of my room,

the update image and then the full room. Can someone take the update image of the new fireplace and impose that so it shows in the whole room?

So you’re trying to insert that style of fireplace (and tv) into the existing room? In other words you don’t want a full remodel. Correct?

Yea that is correct.

Hi - Here is my attempt.

I basically started from your original image and just played with ideas.

Here is how I went about doing that:
I basically just used the remove/replace/reskin tools repeatedly.

Hope that helps!