Kitchen remodel removing wall adding island

The wall on the right side will be completely removed and an island added instead. The fridge will move to the left side of kitchen sink. The back doorway will also be removed and open up into the breakfast nook with built in bench seat and cabinets on the back wall with a serving countertop. Adding current kitchen pic and the green cabinet photo is the inspiration for materials.


I will give this a try!

Amanda could you upload/attach the original image again? The image of the kitchen is very small 480x320 and won’t produce decent results.

(The inspiration image is very large and will work great)

Let me know if this one is any better!


Yes that works!

Here is what I came up with - I’m not sure if that was what you envisioned or not, but I showed the process I used to create it in the video - so you can do it yourself and take it in another creative direction.